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Europass Teacher Academy

7.5 / 10

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Europass Teacher Academy is the largest provider of Erasmus teacher training courses. As an international course provider with 30 years of experience in organizing courses for European teachers, Europass is an ideal partner for organizing your school’s Erasmus+ KA1 teacher training experience. Our comprehensive range of high-quality Erasmus courses and workshops address the latest trends, methodologies, and tools in teaching and learning. Continua a leggere
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Successo di Europass Teacher Academy

Europass Teacher Academy Punteggio di successo:
7.5 / 10
  Questo punteggio é basato sul numero di visitatori, check in, e "Mi piace" su Facebook negli ultimi mesi.
La maggior attività di marzo:
Europass Teacher Academy ha un totale di 1135 visitatori (check in) e 48862 likes.